Dr. Kang Min Ok


Dr. Kang Min Ok

Dr. Kang Min Ok joined the group in April, 2006 and left in August 2007. He worked on the kinetics of solid-state reactions with in situ diffraction and synthesis of new actinide materials. Kang Min received his BS and MS in chemistry in 1996 and 1998, respectively, from Sogang University, Seoul, Korea, where he worked on the synthesis of iridium-alkynyl organometallic compounds. In 2003, he received his Ph. D degree from the University of Houston. His thesis was focused on the new second-harmonic generating (SHG) mixed metal oxide materials. He then worked on the synthesis and characterization of new non-centrosymmetric materials with Professor P. Shiv Halasyamani as a postdoctoral research associate at Houston. His personal website can be found here.


