Louis Morris joined the group in February 2022. He graduated from the University of Bristol with an MSc in Chemistry in 2015, during which he spent a year in industry working for Sasol Technology UK in St Andrews. He completed his PhD thesis in late 2019 on the topic of “Alkaline Earth Catalysis for Inorganic Polymer Synthesis” under the joint supervision of Prof. Mike Hill and Prof. Ian Manners, and graduated from the University of Bath. From 2020-2022, he worked as a Postdoctoral researcher in the group of Prof. Dr Jun Okuda at RWTH Aachen University in Germany. There, his research focused on controlling transition-metal like redox cycling in main-group hydride complexes, with a particular focus on cationic and heterobimetallic compounds. His main research interests concern the study of unusual main-group reactivity and its application in catalysis and synthesis involving small molecules and polymers.
Publications list Louis J. Morris (0000-0003-2363-4498) (